----- - - - - ----- - - ----- ----- ----- ----- - - - -- - --- - - - - - - ----- - - ----- - ----- ----- ----- - ----- - - - -- - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - ----- ----- ----- ----- S Y N T H E S I S B Y -------------- R Y M I X -------------- Welcome to my first synth masterpiece. This song was written to rise above the standards and barriers of music and emotion, to excel beyond the realm of thought, to synchronize with the mind of the listener. This is one of my best mods, as well as one of my favorites. It took 14 days of constant refinement to bring this to what it is, to satisfy at least myself. I am satisfied. But there will be more... What do you think? Leave comments to rymix@wsnet.com, or visit my newly-started web page (may be mostly dysfunctional at the moment) at http://www.wsnet.com/~rymix ,but don't expect much right now. It will need time to grow... Remember, comments are always welcome. Here's my ever-long-not-really-world-famous Greetz List! (sorry if I forgot you!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IRC Greets go out to: #amiga: CrimsonT, Juno, FastLane, AmigaMan, SideWind, sunrise, GuyBrush, Grypas, polter (U4ia), Gluon, nuttah, John Unix, babbage, MisterX, Lauraaa, rupchuk, Crash, JCompton, Pongo, dlman, turtle, Optic, Stingray, Nyx, Badlander, RobB, TPUG-Dug, desrat, espionage, sketch, RobR, TonyTaco, denni, falco, EeeZee, davereed, diskraker, Teflik, Drizzit, Encoder, Z0mbie, BigMouth, ditty, goodie, appy, Ziggy, Thiron, N'Kognito, TerraC, tneDPA, Idea-MW, spamgod, Genom, digerati, Sgt_D, NetDancer, schizo, Fairmont, Fingers, fallous, Milly, Flame, SWarrior, Kscully, Pirahna, Orpheus, Swatch, Trib, Schrade, Arctangent, CoBaLt60, Sporky, Light, Deltax, apd, RedSkull, RedWine, MustangVR, Shivan, BatCat, pjotr, crazybob, spuug, Yngve, e-oon, Amster, Tylinto, byro, hwMagic, foivos, stevekh, Mitchman, DeathLand, ALFred, Guru, Hod, NewOrder, Corsair... #suicide: Sheol (Aerial & [slider] :), Barnaby, Bearr, jasonsw, effigy, Ducksaus (Emiko), Hendrix77, Camilla, NoFX, tf2u, reset, fenris, Tattoo, truck, dadevo, Iranon, BUD-, RAGE, Euler, Nosferatu, Edsncrtr, Jilly, GodVamp, rad, QDerf, erpola, villager.... #death, #vampire, my #TheBeyond, #heaven, #hell, #friendly, #trax, and all other channels I've been to... NoD0ze, sIn, Lucifer, Tazzz (& Immune/Immunity) rav3n, Adela, frame, Azathoth (DeadFish), Tzimon, PitFiend, elvin, rasha, M, roadrunner (MeepMeep!), Lady, JayLowe, Itchi.... SuperGreets: TonyTaco, Drizzit, Gluon, CoBaLt60, Idea-MW, FastLane, CrimsonT davereed, Fairmont, SWarrior, Teflik, goodie, espy, BatCat, U4ia, deltax, Slayer, Martin Hilpert, TerraC, Ang, Lep, KamiKaze, Enigma, Cajun, more 2 come... Look for me on IRC as [Death] or Rymix ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protracker & Amiga Rule 4ever! ...time.to.synthesize... (rymix@wsnet.com) -----This text is appended as the last instrument of the module-------